‘RWBY’ is an anime-styled web series originally released on July 18, 2013, on the Rooster Teeth website. The series follows four teenage girls trained to protect the fictional world of Remnant against crime and monsters called Grimm. Monty Oum was the creator of the series, but he passed away in 2015, while season 3 was in production. Despite his demise, the crew decided to continue the series.
We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. And remember to toss me a follow on Twitter! I’m pretty active there during hiatus. Rwby rwby spoilers ruby rose weiss schnee rwby7 spoilers Blake Belladonna yang xiao long Jaune Arc lie ren nora valkyrie Oscar Pine qrow branwen JNPR rwby status chart funny meme. Rwby brazil fan club. bumbleby. to ask for icons and headers: ask. The latest tweets from @MisaRWBY.
The show has been appreciated for its animation, storyline, and action. However, some critics believe that the short episodes hinder good characterization. Nevertheless, it has won awards for Best Animated Series, including the International Academy of Web Television Awards and the YouTube Streamy Awards. As the eighth season comes to an end, the fans want to know what plans the show has for the future. Will there be a season 9? Here is everything we know!
RWBY Season 9 Release Date
‘RWBY’ season 8 landed on November 7, 2020, on Rooster Teeth, with the season coming to a close with the fourteenth and final episode on March 27, 2021. The episodes in the eighth installment of the show run for 17-23 minutes each.
As far as the ninth season is concerned, here is what you need to know. Rooster Teeth renewed the show for its ninth outing simultaneously with season 8 on October 3, 2019. One of the executive producers, Kerry Shawcross, revealed that the team began work on season 9 while season 8 was still in production to maintain the smooth flow of the narrative. The news was confirmed on the official Twitter page of ‘RWBY.’
📢 Breaking announcement! (doot doo doo, doot doo doo) 📢 pic.twitter.com/p9e5AGv6eS
— RWBY (@OfficialRWBY) June 26, 2020
Even though an exact release date has not yet been revealed, it seems like fans may not have to wait too long since the ninth iteration got an early start. The scriptwriting began in June 2020, and the voice recordings for the main characters commenced in August 2020. Since 2015, the series has been releasing new seasons in the Fall each year, which confirms that a season takes approximately 12 months to complete production. Therefore, the fans can expect ‘RWBY’ season 9 to release sometime in Fall 2021.
RWBY Season 9 Voice Cast: Who can be in it?
Rwby Season 8
The animated series revolves around Ruby Rose (Lindsay Jones), Weiss Schnee (Kara Eberle), Blake Belladonna (Arryn Zech), and Yang Xiao Long (Barbara Dunkelman). Therefore, we can expect the respective voice actors to continue to lend their voice in the upcoming season. Even though all four of them fall into the void in season 8, we believe to see the characters return since Team RWBY is the focal point of the storyline.
We may also hear the voices of the following voice artists: Jen Brown (Pyrrha Nikos), Jessica Nigri (Cinder Fall), Samantha Ireland (Nora Valkyrie), and Shannon McCormick (Professor Ozpin/Ozma). After Monty Oum’s demise, his older brother Neath Oum is the voice behind Lie Ren, who may return in season 9. There are several voice actors who may not be a part of season 9 since their characters die or are believed to be dead in season 8. They are Christopher Sabat (Arthur Watts), Taylor McNee (Penny Polendina), Todd Womack (Vine), Jason Rose (James Ironwood), Jason Douglas (Jacques Schnee), and Miles Luna (Jaune).
The series would be incomplete without the voices of Elizabeth Maxwell (Winter Schnee), Cristina Valenzuela (Robyn Hill), Anairis Quinones (Harriet Bree), Jason Liebrecht (Qrow Branwen), Dawn Michelle Bennett (Elm Ederne), Aaron Dismuke (Oscar Pine), and Katie Newville (Emerald Sustrai). If season 9 brings in new characters, new voice artists may join the voice cast.
RWBY Season 9 Plot: What can it be About?
In the final episode of season 8, Harriet is unable to deactivate the bomb, which ends up destroying Mantle and causing a massive tsunami. In the process, Vine sacrifices himself, and elsewhere, Penny meets a similar fate. Penny pleads with Jaune to kill her after Cinder wounds her so that she can transfer her maiden powers to Winter. This proves to be helpful since the powers help Winter to defeat Ironwood. Unfortunately, Yang is not the only one who falls into the void at the end of season 8 since the remaining members of Team RWBY also fall into the abyss along with Neo and Jaune. We know that Cinder has managed to obtain the two Relics and leaves Watts to die. However, at the end of the episode, we see Ruby’s scythe as it washes up on a beach.
In the ninth season, we will learn the fate of Team RWBY since they are believed to be dead after falling into the Void Between the Worlds. Since Mantle is destroyed and Cinder has both the Relics, troubles are far from over in the fantastical world of Remnant.
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Leonora Tristen, a part-time worker at three fast food chains was mortified when the official RWBY Twitter account posted spoilers of the newest volume of the show two days before the episode aired to the public.
“I don’t know what’s real anymore…” Leonora said, sobbing. “I blocked #RWBY8, #RWBYV8, #RWBY8Spoilers #RWBYV8Spoilers, #RWBYVolume8Spoilers and a few others I had to invent… And all of those hashtags were blocked for nothing…” In a moment of vulnerability, Leonora broke down into tears.
“They just used an emoji and posted a spoiler! Not a single hashtag! They spoiled a major character appearing in the show, as well as the design! Why would they do something like that?!”
Rwby Twitter Header
Leonora, working at three jobs, barely has any money to pay for her rent and student loans. Having to sustain herself with stale rice and discount bakery bread, Leonora’s only reprieve was to watch RWBY on Saturdays, her only day she is free from two of jobs. Obviously she could not afford a First membership or even internet, as she watched RWBY in the only COVID-defiant bar that had Wi-fi in her area.
Twitter Rwby Volume 7
After calming down, Leonora continued. “I haven’t been the same since. I eat even less, which although saves me some money, makes me occasionally faint in the workplace. My mom told me to see a therapist, but I can’t afford one! My only plan now is to take all the videos that the Twitter account posts and splice them together, so I can watch the episodes early…” After saying that, the young woman fell unconscious and we were asked by her manager to leave, as we were disrupting her work.
Rwby Lancaster
We attempted to ask the official RWBY Twitter account for comment, but in a pathetic display of cowardice, they turned off their DMs. What are they afraid of? Spoilers?
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