ImageOptim is GUI set of tools to optimize JPEG and PNG images and GIF animations. The application finds optimal compression parameters and removes unneccessary information such as color profiles and comments, to make the file smaller. ImageOptim is free, open-source software under terms of GPL v2 or later. ImageOptim PNG、JPEG、GIFに対応したMac用の画像圧縮アプリです。 画像に含まれるEXIF情報などを削除してファイルサイズを減らしてくれます。.
- Combines PNGOUT, OptiPNG, and DeflOpt to create the smallest PNGs
- No image quality is lost — only file size
- Converts JPG, GIF, TIFF, and BMP files to PNG
- Ultra-configurable
- ImageOptimMac OS X
- TrimageLinux and other Unixes
- PNGOUTWinProfessional PNGOUT for Windows
What's changed in PNGGauntlet 3.1.2
Latest Blog Post: PNGGauntlet 3.1.2 - Bugfixes and forced PNG conversionJune 17, 2012
Imageoptim For Macbook
PNGGauntlet 3.1.2 is a minor update that resolves some bugs, and adds a much-requested option. First, the bugfixes - PNGGauntlet will now correctly add directories that have a ‘.’ in their name. Previously, it’d reject the whole directory, saying it was an unrecognized image extension. Now it works as expected. I’ve also tweaked the way PNGGauntlet handles temp files, so if you’ve been getting errors about not being able to write or delete temp files, this should address that. 1password ssh agent portal. The only new feature is an option labeled “Always convert files..
More PNGGauntlet news..Imageoptim For Mac Full
Imageoptim For Mac Os
Warriors orochi 2 free download. The software license for PNGGauntlet permits unlimited distribution as long as nobody charges money for it, modifies it, or packages it with other software without my permission. It also frees me from any liability from your use of the software. A copy of the actual license is included in the installation and is viewable from the 'About' dialog. Rd client windows 7.
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